CRA Fast Check

Introducing CRA Fast Check

CRA Fast Check offers a preliminary analysis of popular IoT devices. Unlike a full cybersecurity assessment, which is mandatory under the upcoming Cyber Resilience Act, CRA Fast Check utilizes external testing of publicly available information about these devices. This provides a valuable first step, offering a general sense of a device’s potential compliance with the CRA’s core requirements.

About the CRA Fast Check service

This website’s objective is to help companies understand the Cyber Resilience Act and achieve compliance.

With this goal in mind, the team is proud to announce CRA Fast Check, a collaborative effort with i46 s.r.o, our technical partner.

Who is i46?

i46, a Czech Republic-based company, is a specialist in cybersecurity compliance for IoT manufacturers. Their team of experts has meticulously analyzed various devices within their advanced laboratory, forming the foundation for these initial assessments.

Which product should i46 review next?

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We believe that the CRA Fast Check can be a valuable tool for companies manufacturing IoT devices themselves. It can help them understand what are common cybersecurity risks found in current IoT devices and implement the corrective measures if their own products similar (non-compliant) features.

Through collaboration with i46 s.r.o , we aim to raise awareness and understanding of the CRA, ultimately empowering individuals to make informed choices in a world increasingly reliant on connected technology.

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